Still Unemployed

Still unemployed. My mother had a couple surgeries last week, related to the cancer. They went well, but took a long time. They removed half her thyroid and a tumor. Both turned out to be benign.
I’m nearing the end of my edit for the novel I’ll probably record after the Echoes short stories. It feels good to be in the climax. I’m writing a book that will either be the next major novel podcast or the one after that. It’s going well. I’m in a writing group with Howard Taylor ( and Dan Willis of Dragonlance, among other worthies, and it seems to be going well.

More next week.


New Job Lead

One bit of good news this week. Friday I found out that my old employer has a job opening for a tech support supervisor. I’m not sure if there’s any layoff stigma attached to me, but if there isn’t, I think I have a pretty good shot at that job. My last job there had a great deal of overlap with the supervisors. I don’t think that anyone could be applying with as much relative experience as I have, not even the other people who had my job (I had the shift that needed to sup for supervisors most often.)
Anyway, I applied Friday night when I got home. Obviously, they haven’t even seen the application yet, but it’s in. We’ll see how that develops.


This Week

The job hunt continues. No big news on that front. We’ve (Howard Tayler, Dan Willis, and I, plus friends and Sandra Tayler) started a writers group that meets on Wednesdays. I’ve started running the Echoes of Heaven novel through the group. It’s nice to have something that will force me to write something new.
Anyway, not a whole lot to report on this end right now.



My birthday was Tuesday. Monday night I received a call about a job interview, so I scheduled it for Tuesday morning. It was the only birthday present I was expecting on my birthday, so I thought that was a nice little present to myself. I was up nights at that point (I guess I still am), but it was at 9 am, so I figured, hey, I’ll go to the interview, then come home and go to bed. Howard Tayler ( and I planned on going out to eat that day, and I had a date that night, so I planned on getting to bed about 10:30 am, sleep until 3:30, get up, meet Howard, then head up to my date.
All in all, a good plan.

I took a little nap that night because I’d only had about 4 hours sleep the night before. Woke up at 6am after two hours. Enough to get me by.

Left at 8 am. It’s about a 40 minute drive, but I’ve never done it at 8am and I didn’t know how bad rush hour would be. I knew it was TERRIBLE coming back in the evening.

Pulling out onto the main road, lights flashed behind me. Evidently I saw my opportunity to merge with traffic and didn’t come to a complete stop at the stop sign, then merged in front of a sheriff. The stop put me about 15 minutes behind, but I thought I still had time.

Then, about a half a mile away from the interview, I blew my right front tire. Pulling over, I realized that when my key bent we made four copies from the bent key, but none of them opened all the locks on my car. The one I had on my keyring opened only the driver’s side door, and I didn’t think any of them had opened the trunk. It was 8:55. Cursing, I called my mother to see if she was willing to go find the other keys, then come meet me. Then I threw out a thumb and caught a ride going to a building one away from the building where I was interviewed.

I got there at 8:59. I went to the bathroom after checking in the the receptionist.  As I walked out of the bathroom, I heard her telling the interviewer that I had just arrived. I told him about my trip and he seemed impressed that I still made it on time. Whew.

I didn’t feel like calling my mother back during the interview. I thought that would be a bad move, so I waited until it was over. She doesn’t have a cell phone so she couldn’t really leave until we knew I would be ready to go. So I settled in and read a book on my iPod while I waited for her to do the 45 minutes or so of driving.

It was then I realized there was no way I could go out with Howard. If I did NOTHING else, it would be 1 pm before I got to bed. I’d have to be awake by 5:30 to get to my date on time (it was 50 minutes away . . . everything is 45 minutes away from my house), which meant 4 and a half hours sleep at the most, and we all know you never get to bed immediately upon getting home. So I called Howard and rescheduled, mad at my day for another thing going wrong.

My mother found me and one of the keys opened my trunk (and the other doors, BTW). She’s never changed a tire herself, and she had a hip replacement surgery that’s set an upper limit on her applying force to anything, so she sat in the car and watched.

Then I had to change a tire. I have had two rear-impact car accidents that have damaged my lower back. I can think of NOTHING more painful, that I have actually done, than changing a tire. I was literally on the verge of tears from the agony by the time I was done. My mother came out toward the end and found that there was something she could do. Every time the wrench fell off a lug it was an excruciating processes for me to move from the position where I could turn the lugs to a position where I could reset the wrench, and then another excruciating move back. She just stood next to me and reset the wrench when it slid off. When my back finally gave out completely and I just couldn’t possibly be in position one moment longer, I said I needed a break. She turned the jack twice at that point (it was basically finger loose) and pulled it out.  I hadn’t realized I was basically done.

I called a couple tire places on the way because you usually save about 30-50 dollars if you call in a head of time. Tire places will often cut you a deal if you’re shopping different places by phone (they want you to come in), but they give you their normal prices if you walk in the door. I found a decent deal and drove there.

By the time I got home, I could barely move from the pain. I ate dinner, went to sleep, woke up after 4 hours, and went on my date. Saw Clash of the Titans. The author did some interesting things with that movie that I don’t think anyone but I noticed. :) Then I came home, napped, and Called the day dead.

It seemed like a bad day. Let’s list the bad:

1) Got pulled over on the way to a job interview.
2) Blew a tire on the way to the same interview.
3) Didn’t have a way to get into my trunk to fix the tire.
4) Had to wait a long time for a ride.
5) Had to cancel the only thing anyone was planning on doing for ME on my birthday (Dinner with Howard).
6) Had to make my mother drive out to save me.
7) Had to change a tire.
8) Had to buy a tire when I’m unemployed, using up the money I’d intended to spend on myself for my birthday present.
9) Had to go on a date with 4 hours sleep.

But I’d like to point out:

1) Didn’t GET a ticket despite being pulled over.
2) Blew the tire in a high traffic area instead of in the middle of nowhere on my fifty minute drive to my date.
3) Still made it to the interview.
4) Interview went well enough that I’m cautiously optimistic.
5) Got picked up by the first car when hitchhiking. (That has NEVER happened to me before. People NEVER pick me up. I’m large and sometimes I frighten people).
6) Found out I DID have a key that opened all the locks.
7) Had a pleasant date.

So I still didn’t get much in the way of any birthday presents (my mother produced a pair of dockers for my interview that she told me after the fact would be my birthday present . . . she’d bought them months or even years ago) I call the day an interesting series of good luck rather than bad. Let’s call that a win.


Still Laid Off

So we’re now past the third week of me being laid off. I’ve received my severance check, but if I get rehired by the same company within 60 days, I have to pay 75% of it back. Since my best lead right now is a job that opened up there the same day I was laid off, I have to be VERY careful with money.
So updates: Carolyn told me I didn’t have to pay her for the recording stuff I’ve already done, considering my situation, and she’s not charging for the Jake Black Benefit Story. But I can’t pay her for anything else, obviously. In addition, now that I don’t work there, I have to pay for this hosting. In the meanwhile, I’ve been hitting my daily deadlines for prepping ahead on the fiction. Right now I’m working on what I THINK is going to be the first novel after all the Echoes short stories (probably starting about 4 months into the schedule after I start releasing again.) It’s one of my earlier works, and I thought about rewriting it from scratch, but I think it might be funner to analyze it a bit as I put it out, for all the other writers out there. Let me know if you think that would be something you’d find entertaining. Either way, Josh passed it off as not too embarrassing to release. :)

As for cancer and chemo, this Thursday is my mother’s last chemo infusion. It will almost certainly be the worst, and I’ve cleared my weekend for it, but after Sunday, every day should be better than the last. Hopefully, forever.


Twitter and Unemployment

So, I was laid off last week. Just now getting my head above water and thinking about it. Anyway, this has some implications on anything that requires me laying out cash (paying artists for new art and sound techs, for instance), but I’m hoping to get rehired by the same company right away. They offered me a tech I position (or told me I’d be welcome to one, if I applied), but I don’t know if I can make my mortgage at Tech I pay. Plus, if I get hired back too soon I have to pay back 75% of my severance. So I applied for another position at the company that is approximately the same pay as the one I just lost. I’m cautiously optimistic. I’d be great at that job.
What am I doing with my free time? Twitter (Among other things, of course . . . Twttter is probably ten minutes of my day). You can find me at @robertjdefendi. I’ll try to tweet things like how recording is going and where we are in the various Echoes playtests. Jump on and follow me if you tweet.

Doesn’t mean that I won’t be updating here as well. I just know I’ll tweet more often, so I thought I’d let you all know about it.


Life, the Universe, and Everything

This is my schedule for LTUE this weekend:
10:00 AM – Fantasy without Magic
(Paul Genesse, Brandon Sanderson, Robert J Defendi, Lary Correis, James Brown)

2:00 PM – The Howard and Bob Show. What do you get when you get two prolific writers together on a panel? Come and find out!
(Howard Tayer, Robert J Defendi)

10:00 AM – Soft-science SF-Can “hard” SF be about the “soft” sciences — psychology, sociology, etc? Who’s writing the best in the field?
(Helge Moulding, Roger White, James Dashner, Robert J Defendi, LarryCorreia,

6:00 PM – How to write a good short story. You have to be concise, clear, articulate, and still keep the reader’s interest. What does a short story writer need to know/do to write a great short story?
(Robert J Defendi, Suzanne Vincent, Eric James Stone, Kathleen Dalton-Woodbury, Brad R. Torgensen)

Cancer and Misc

My mother had a double mastectomy about two and a half weeks ago. She’s recovering nicely and the although they found cancer in a lymph node during the surgery, the pathology came back with no cancer beyond that (this report came last week, and it’s the first “good” news we’ve had.) The total size of the tumors was 9 ML, which is below the mandatory threshold for radiation and chemo. I suspect they will still want to do chemo, but I’m hoping they recommend a light course.
Also, I have LTUE next week, Thur, Fri, and Sat. Life the Universe and Everything is a sf symposium at BYU. Click here for more details. I look forward to speaking on my panels. I’ll post my schedule tomorrow.

Finally, I want everyone to know that isn’t current. The reason is I’m moving the data here (you might have noticed the Spacemaster page appearing on the right . . . the credits page is pretty darn annoying, so I haven’t gotten to it yet). Anyway, I retitled this site to include my name a while back because I intend to point here when I get all the data moved. I know my updates have been sporadic, but this is where I intend to make them.

Caroline and I were talking about how to record the Jake Black story just this week. Now we’re working logistics.

Thanks for your patience.

A Quick Update

Hi. I was planning on posting an update on status this week. However today I discovered that a lump my mother found in her breast doesn’t look good to the doctors. They’ve drawn the biopsy, but they aren’t expecting good news.
I might be a little out of it the next day or two. I’d appreciate any prayers, meditation, or general well wishes you might throw our way. Her name is Patricia Christine Adams.

I still intend to do a Jake Black fund raising podcast. I’ll keep you posted on other matters.


Jake Black

Jake Black is a local comic book writer.  He is a dear man and I love him deeply.  I don’t follow his blog (bad me!) so I just discovered that he has cancer.  Our FLGS, Dragon’s Keep, is holding a fundraiser to help pay for treatment on Saturday the 12th.  You can find more info here.
I’ve volunteered for this, and I’m sure I’ll be doing something, even if it’s fetching and carrying for the comic book people who are participating and throwing all my available cash at their donated product.  But I’d like to do something more, and I need your help.

I’ve talked to Carolyn.  We’re going to do a Jake Black Fundraising podcast audio story (to release end-of-Octoberish).  It will be my short story The Great Midwestern Squirrel Conspiracy of 2010.  I’ve been saving this one for a special occasion, and this is it.

So here’s how it’s going to work:

I don’t have the technical bits in line yet (let’s assume I have to set it at a hard minimum price), but Carolyn is in a master class until the middle of October, so we have a little time.  It won’t hurt to have a run-up period for people to check in on the site again.  Let’s start the buzz on this one.

You’ll donate money.  You’ll get the story somehow.  Jake gets everything paypal doesn’t take.  What I don’t know yet is how much I should set as the minimum donation.  I want it low enough for everyone to get in on it, but paypal starts with a pretty big chunk, so the more we pay per story, the lower the percentage they take off the top.

I haven’t read the story aloud in a while.  I believe it’s about an hour long.

If this works, I’ll be releasing my other comedy stories the same way.  This might mean I have a lack of comedy material for free, but I think we can all agree that this is a good cause, and I’d like to be able to say that thousands of people banded together in laughter to help pay the medical bills of a good man in need.  (Did you hear that?  Thousands.  That means that I don’t want to settle for the standard small percentage of of sell-throughs.  You all want to be a part of this.  I know you do.  Let’s all step up and do something special.)

So what do you think we should charge?  I want to really try to get as many people donating as possible.  Chemo and radiation are expensive, and insurance doesn’t cover it all.  WEKM suggested $5 at Dragon’s Keep tonight, but I want to hear the rest of you as well.  Be honest.  I don’t want to set the price and find out everyone is well-meaning but practically, they don’t get around to paying the price point.

Comment.  Let me know.  It’s for a good cause.



You MUST Have this Product!!!!

You must go to  You must read up on the delightful product XDM.   You must buy it.
If you’re going to GenCon, buy it anyway (if you ship it priority I bet you’ll get it before you go).  When you get there, buy another.  If you hand Howard both, I bet he’d doodle something special for you.  Tell him I said he would.  :)  But you have to buy one now.  And one there.

Actually, you love your family, don’t you?  They each need one.  Oh, I understand.  No, no.  No need to explain why you don’t love your family.  I get it.  I won’t tell them.  I mean, I will probably never see them, right?  This will likely never come back to haunt you.  I’ll just go weep for your cold, stony, heart.

I need to go rethink my view on humanity.

Or DO I?

Little Update

I believe I told you that they’ve cut back my chiropractor appointments to two a week.  Anyway, I have two other interesting benchmarks.
1)  Every time they do a progress report, they ask me if my problems with gluten have lessened (I’ve never been diagnosed, but I seem to have trouble with wheat).  Everytime I scoff and say no.  Thursday I ate entire Lasagna.  Friday I ate three bagels in a poorly-planned binge.  :)  I realized Saturday that I’d had no effects from either.  So I had two hot dogs.  About that time I started having the most minor symptoms.  Yesterday I had a wheat-based sauce and pop tarts just to push matters further.  Today is a good day, but I can finally see the effects. I’m not the kind of guy to believe a chiropractor can cure a condition that’s almost certainly caused by an auto-immune disease, but it has occurred to me that symptoms might have been worse than they needed to be because of choked nerves between the spine and the organs.  Not conclusive, by any stretch, but I can certainly live happily with things as they’ve been this week.

2)  I wrote that entire last bit trying to avoid unpleasant biological talk.  This one is better.  Saturday night I was at my Dragonlance game with my Saturday group.  I leaned back a little hard in my 6-month-old office chair and the lock that holds it upright released.  Next thing I know all my weight and force are falling backward at full speed into the reclined position.  I’m a big guy.  I don’t let myself do that normally.  And this is why.  When I hit the extent of the recline, the force transfered into the aluminum socket for the base post (evidently FOAM aluminum).  The socket shattered and I flew backward, kicking the table and knocking water two feet into the air.  I landed flat on my back still in the chair.  I’m told it looked spectacular.

My friends were at my side immediately, but I waved them away, mainly because I wanted to orient.  I wasn’t hurting, but I knew that it would come in a moment.  I was actually REALLY comfortable.  After a minute I managed to roll out and stand on my own in my own crippled way.  :)  We moved the chair and slid a lazy-boy-style reclined over to the table.  I still didn’t hurt.  One of my friends suggested that I take a lortab.  I took a soma (I haven’t had to take one in a week) and said I’d be fine.  She pointed out that iboprofen and lortab were more effective if you take them before the pain hits, and my knee was just stiffening up from kicking the table, so I took her advice about a half hour later.  I never felt any real pain (above my normal level).  The next morning I was no stiffer than on any other Sunday.  I felt good.

Two months ago I wouldn’t have been able to think straight after an event like that.  I had days where my pain spiked for hours just because I came down hard on one leg when taking a step.

Anyway, I was so happy all that night that I didn’t even feel bad about breaking the chair (usually something like that would make a person feel fat, to say the least.)  :)


Update on the Back Situation

So, since this affects my finances, and therefore projects I need to pay for, I thought you might want to know.
I went to the chiropractor for my progress check yesterday.  My range of motion is far better.  In fact, bending over, I could have touched my toes if I’d been able to bend over anytime in the last eight years.  :)  I almost giggled out loud when I realized I couldn’t bend farther because I was too muscle-bound in the legs, not because of blazing back pain.

Anyway, for the first time last night I was able to do the stretching exercises I’m ordered to do.  At the end the muscles in the small of my back had a vaguely broken feeling, but not really painful, more like I was working out some damaged tissue.

Today, I felt good.  My adjustment went well, although I had a different doctor and it hurt more.    He dropped me farther on the table and I felt great when I left.

Anyway, they’ve pulled me back to two adjustments a week, so if my insurance doesn’t start complaining about the length of time I’ve been in treatment, things are looking up.  :)

Anyway.  I just thought I should know.

Moving Forward

First of all, apologies to “a_random_me” for not approving your post for over a month.  I missed the moderation request.
Dark Blue Eyes asked about the future plans.  They are now more or less set, although the start date depends on a medical situation.  Let me start by discussing the plans.

I don’t have time to do my own audio editing, since I already have two full time jobs.  :)  That said, Carolyn and I had a nice discussion at dinner the other week and we worked out a great deal for me paying her to continue doing what she did so well in Death by Cliche.  Essentially, she’ll do the work, she’ll get paid, but we’ve worked it out so that if she feels like getting fancy with something she can without feeling guilty.  Anyway, it’s a great deal all around.

So, when it’s fiscally possible, we will start recording and producing in earnest.  I’ll keep you apprised as we go, but my goal is to have about a month in the can before we post the first one, in case we have another vacation situation like last time.  :)

First thing you’ll see:  Probably an ad for The Echoes of Heaven to get people aware of the setting and to set you up a little for what is to come.

Second thing you’ll see:  The Series of Short Stories about a Witch-Hunter name Shorvan Leonedovich (in The Echoes of Heaven setting).  The first story is called Ulcer.  I intend to aim for 20-30 minute episodes, to keep the work flowing and the money manageable, so I’m GUESSING, that we’re looking at about two episodes per story.  I think they take 40-60 minutes each to read aloud.  That means that will be between 6 and 12 weeks of content.  I still need a title for the series as a whole.  Maybe something like The Fall of the Witch-Hunter.  I don’t know.  I’m drawing a blank on a good one.

My goal is not to have another pause.  That means right after this I’ll probably want to lighten the mood.  I’ll probably do this with the masterful, and deeply meaningful and insightful story, The Great Midwestern Squirrel Conspiracy of 2010. That’s 1-2 episodes.  It will bring world peace.  Apologies to everyone for not releasing it sooner.

After that, I’ll launch into a novel.  At this point I’m thinking the first novel will be Interference Patterns.
Interference Patterns is essentially a near future Hard SF murder mystery about Quantum Physics.  That’s 12 longish chapters, so I’m guessing 24 episodes.

This point is really a little up in the air.  I have a hard military sf novel, about the same length, called Xenos’ Paradigm.  About a diplomat trying to figure out why his actions in a friendly diplomatic meeting caused the only aliens Earth has ever met to start a bloody, brutal war.  I don’t know if that book will be available for this slot, however.  I’m hoping this book is at BAEN by then, and if that’s the case I wouldn’t want to do anything that would effect it’s rights.

Around this point we’re getting a little blurry, so I’ll just list some things you might see and
what issues I have releasing them (if any):

The War of Wars Part 1: Point of Contact: This is the book I want to do the most, but it’s currently at BAEN.  It’s been there for almost 5 years, so I don’t know if it’s freeing up anytime soon.  This is the first Spacemaster novel I’ve written (Spacemaster is a roleplaying game I revised for Iron Crown Enterprises).  It’s about a DSA (this is a future version of the NSA) analyst who finds herself in the middle of the opening days of a vast, interstellar war.  Though she’s safely behind lines, the machinations of the sides and the intelligence her troops need to survive all fall on her shoulders.  One of my critquers described it as “What Clancy would write if he wrote science fiction.“  I don’t think the real story can live up to that praise.  :)  I have the rights to produce this myself, via a license from Iron Crown.

Global Conditioning:  A short story about one man’s crusade to end global warning.  Available but too tied to the former administration to sell.

Echoes of the Big Bang: The story of a NSA cryptographer trying to figure out how the Chinese have cracked our “unbreakable” one time pad encryptions.

Smart Bombs, Dumb People: Like Catch 22, but more low-brow and with poorer execution. :)  My first comedy short story.

A Measure of Misery: In my opinion, the best novel I’ve ever written.  It’s been at Tor for about two and a half years.  I don’t know if it’s going to become free for me to do as an audiobook.  It’s about a burned-out healer in a world where all magic must be fueled directly by one’s personal pain.  The more personal the pain, the more powerful the magic.  This burned-out, possibly drug addicted man is pulled into a plot to save the world.

The Siege of Heaven: The first Echoes of Heaven novel.  This one will probably come fairly soon, I just need to finish writing it.  It’s the story of an autistic man who’s given the spark of a dying angel as well as the angel’s quest to foil and unstoppable force of evil before he can enslave the world.

That’s a taste of things to come, now the hitch:

I’ve been in a great deal of physical pain for more than seven years now.  Two almost identical accidents have reduced my back to twitching agony.  With my new job, I can now afford to do something about it, but weekly visits to the chiropractor have never done much good.  I’ve found a chiropractor whose helped alot through aggressive treatments, but aggressive means expensive.  I’ve been going three times a week and I can walk stairs again, which is a good sign, but I’m starting to suspect that two months treatment isn’t going to do it.  I might be more like 3 or 4, if my current progress is any indication.

So I plan to start recordings as soon as the visits stop (or slow to a more financially manageable rate.)  I just don’t know if that’s one month away or three.

I’ll try to keep you posted better going forward, but once I start this again, it will be a goal to release something every week for the foreseeable future, and I want to be sure I can sustain that.

Enjoy your week.


Book Discussion Comment Thread

I don’t know if you guys need this, but we don’t have a forum so you can’t start your own thread.  I know that when I’m done with a book or movie, I like to go out and talk about it with my friends.  So here’s a thread where you can talk about anything you liked or hated or just want to analyze and deconstruct.  Feel free to ask me questions, but know that I won’t give you any direct spoilers as answers.  If you ask why Jurkand kept dying for instance, I’d be happy to tell you that I set him up as the contagonist and Gorthander as the guardian and traditionally, in stories, they fight in some way and I wanted to make that into a running gag.  I won’t tell you it’s because Jurkand is secretly a vampire and Gorthander is really Van Helsing in disguise.  :)  Or whatever.
Anyway, just in case you need a starter for the discussion, what character archetypes (protagonist, antagonist, guardian, sidekick, etc.) do you think the various characters are?  Here’s a list of the Dramatica character archetypes:

Protagonist and Antagonist

Reason and Emotion

Guardian and Contagonist

Sidekick and Skeptic

Most people don’t know Contagonist.  It’s the character who is trying to steer the main character down the wrong path.  Darth Vader was a Contagonist because he wasn’t trying to kill Luke, he was trying to convert him.  I’ll also let you know that the characters I initially assigned to the archetypes were wrong.  A lot of them aren’t obvious.  :)

Anyway, you won’t hurt my feelings if you insult the book or even if you don’t feel like participating at all.  I just wanted you to have an option.


Give Me a Dollar

So I’m going to do a little experiment here.  I’ve added a donate button to the right.  With that, you could, if you wished, give me a dollar.  I think I deserve a dollar.  Don’t you think I deserve a dollar?  It’s not like it’s a dollar your using.  You know you have an extra dollar.
Now, don’t give me a dollar for the fine podcast audiobook I just finished putting out.  That has things in it licensed for non-commercial use.  However, giving me a dollar to help fund future sound projects (read:  paying Carolyn to pay attention to me) is perfectly acceptable.  Giving me more than a dollar is also acceptable.

I tell you what.  If enough people give me a dollar (you have to wow me here), I’ll release the terrible, embarressing, should-be-buried-deep-where-no-one-can-see-it, first draft of the first chapter of Death by Cliche.  Complete with typos, for your reading pleasure.

Giving me a dollar is fine.  If you want me to GET a dollar, donate about $1.34 if you are in the US and $1.36 if you aren’t, becuase paypal will take a cut.

Now.  Give me a dollar!

What are you waiting for?


Scalzi has Hugo nomination talk going on over at  I suggest everyone go over there and read his posts.  He has a thread on recommendations for nominations here.  Even if you aren’t voting, you can’t go wrong with a list of the best fiction of the year.
His current thread is asking for recommendations on best fan writer.  <cough>  You can find that here.