Your First Audiobook Part 5

Two weeks ago, JM Bell, the head of Defenestrate Media studios, presented me with a list of pickups to do for the Death by Cliche audiobook. I called off my normal Saturday night plans so I could get to the studio by 9:30. We record the Hold 322 Podcast at 11:30 these days, and I wanted to give us some room for everything to go wrong. Recording had been cancelled just the week before due to an adobe update of the studio computers.

I got there and we fumbled through more computer configuration problems until a little after 10. Then we discovered that we'd already rerecorded the first chapter. If I'd reviewed part 4 of this series before driving, I probably would have remembered that.

We fixed the credits readings and rerecorded a chapter. I think we did a pickup on another section or two. Then we were done.


That should be the last real work I do on Death by Cliche until release. Bell still has some final work to do. Assuming Audible answers his last support question on formatting in a timely manner, I should start getting the files Wednesday night.

I don't know how I feel about this. It's something of a relief to be done, but a little sad too. I've been working on this project hard for so many months now. It's like standing in an empty house as you're done loading the moving van, going from room to room. Turning out the lights.

If I didn't need to draft all of Death by Cliche 2 in about ten days, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

Next week is FanX. Semi-coherent post-Comic-Con notes will probably begin next Sunday.